Employee of the Myth

3 - Hide Your Light: "Hide Your Light"

Skydiggers Season 1 Episode 3

EP 3 - Hide Your Light, finds Jane, Josh and Andy shining a light on the EP's title track.

In addition to the interview, you'll also hear Andy and Josh perform two songs: "Hide Your Light” (Hide Your Light, 2023), and "Horseshoe Bay" (Bittersweet Harmony, 2003). Both tracks are recorded by Tim Vesely, live-off-the-floor at the Woodshed Studio in Toronto. 

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Employee of the Myth is brought to you by Skydiggers Productions
Featuring: Andy Maize and Josh Finlayson
Producer & co-host: Joel Stewart
Host and Editor: Jane Gowan (Music Buddy)
Audio Engineer: Tim Vesely

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